Serving suggestions

Add a drop at a time to dishes as a cooking ingredient, to add extreme searing heat and ghost pepper flavour.

What we say

Great tatse for such an extremely hot sauce, especially for one that contains pepper extract (pure oleoresin).

Warning: only to be used as a food additive to  increase heat and flavour in your favorite dishes.


Naga Jolokia (Ghost Pepper), Pure Oleoresin, Water, Cane Vinegar, Salt, Mustard, Garlic, Xanthan Gum.


BE WARNED: Psycho Juice Extreme Ghost Pepper is 600,000 Scovilles of ballistic madness.  This means one drop of this sauce can be diluted with 600,000 drops of water before the heat becomes undetectable to the average person. Great Ghost Pepper flavour even with the addition of the pure oleoresin that burns long and slow before kicking your face in. This is very much a sauce for the hardcore chillihead. Use as a cooking ingredient, not for smashing all over your pizza. Don't say I didn't warn you.


Heat level 10++


Psycho juice extreme ghost pepper